What is Maternal Health Care?

Maternal health refers to the health of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period during this time, maternal Health Care is required to be given to the women which involve antenatal care (ANC), postnatal care (PNC), and delivery services. Maternal Health Care is extremely important for pregnant women as its main aim is to improve the well-being of the mother, the infants, and children. The health and wellbeing of mother and child also determine the health of the next generation and predict the future Public Health challenges for the community and Healthcare system. To main objectives of maternal Health Care address a wide range of medical conditions that can impact the health and wellness of women, children, and families. Importance of Maternal Health Pregnancy can offer a lot of complications and health issues for both the women and the child and in order to prevent any further health problems, maternal Health Care needs to be provided. Some of the heal...