What is Network Security Assignments?
Network security is a process of authentication that is commonly used with a username and password. This network security system is accomplished through software and hardware. The software should be constantly managed and updated so as to protect you from threats. Types of Authentication in Network Security Assignments: One-factor authentication: In this authentication, the user only needs to require a password to insert so as to complete the authentication process. Two-factor authentication: In this authentication, the user will need a dongle or security and an ATM card or mobile. Three-factor authentication: This authentication will require a retinal scan or a fingerprint. Types of Security Threats that Need Some Network Security Assignment Viruses, Trojan horses, and Worms Zero-hour Attacks or Zero-day attack Attack of Hackers Adware and Spyware Theft of Data Service Attacks Theft of Identity Network Security Assignment Components Include: Intrusion Prevention System: I...